International Archives

International Archives

Each year the Chairmen's Committee and the Computerworld Honors program formally present the original source materials submitted by the program's Laureates to a select group of the world's leading academic and research institutions with special interest in the history of the information technology revolution.

The Program selects institutions to receive this collection, along with special licensing privileges for the use of primary-source on-line materials, on the basis of recommendations from the Chairmen's Committee, each year's new class of Laureates, and science, technology, and cultural officers of the governments and embassies of the countries represented in the collection.

Representatives of many of these institutions and governments, in turn, serve as the program's Academic Council, working with program staff and representatives of the Chairmen's Committee to ensure that the international permanent research collection is reflective of the global breadth and depth of the evolving information technology revolution.

In January, 2001, the program first donated to the institutions listed below copies of case studies of outstanding users of information technology, video biographies and oral histories, transcripts of symposia and workshops, and other materials of historical and cultural significance submitted by Laureates from 1988 to 2000. In April of each year the program presents to its associated archives and academic council members the materials submitted by each new class of Computerworld Honors Laureates, the "new heroes" of the information age."


Turbo Linux 


Australian Information Industry Association 

Australian Trade Commission 

Commonwealth Science and Industry Research Organisation


Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization 

National Library of Australia (NLA) 

National Museum of Australia 

National Office of the Information Economy (NOIE) 

Queensland Institute of Technology 

Swinburne Institute of Technology 

University of Technology at Sydney 


Agencia Cidadao 

Biblioteca da Universidade de Brasilia 

Biblioteca da Universidade de Rio de Janero 

Biblioteca da Universidade de Sao Paulo 

Biblioteca Nacional Brazil 

Camara Americana de Comercio Amcham 

CENPEC-Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em Educacao, Cultura e Acao Comunitaria 

Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa no Estado de Sao Paulo 

Fundacao Getulio Vargas 

General Electric do Brasil Ltda. 

Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica 

Instituto de Pesquisa Economica Aplicada 

Instituto de Pesquisas Eldorado 

Instituto para Educacao em Medicina e Saude 

Ministerio da Ciencia e Tecnologia 

1Programa Comunidade Solidaria 

Unidade de Gerencia do Programa 

Universidade Estadual de Campinas Proreitoria de Extensao e Assuntos Comunitarios 



McGill University 

Memorial University of Newfoundland 

Royal Ontario Museum 

Univeristy of Guelph 

University of Toronto Libraries 

University of Waterloo 

Wilfrid Laurier University 


Chinese Academy of Engineering 

Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) 

Ministry of Industry Information 

Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST) 




Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Denmark 

Handelshojskolen i Kobenhavn 

Syddansk Universitet 


Helsinki University of Technology 

Lappeenranta University of Technology 

Tampere University of Technology 


Bibliotheque Nationale de France 

L'INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique) 

La Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie 


Deutsches Museum, Bonn 

Deutsches Museum, Munich 

Frauenhofer Society 


Secretaria de Planificacion y Programacion 


Consejo Hondureno de Ciencias y Tecnologia 

Hong Kong

Cyber U. Hong Kong 


E-Community Ambassador 

Electronic Service Delivery (ESD) scheme 

Information Technology and Broadcast Bureau 

Mainland Science and Technology Institutions 

Science Park Project 


Centro Cefriel 


Himeji Institute of Technology 


Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 


Kuwait University 


Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia- CONCYTEC 


Portugal Instituto Superior Tecnico 


Nanyang Technological Institute 

Singapore National Archives 

Singapore Science Center 

South Africa

The Castle of Good Hope 


Consejo Superior de Investigaciones 

Cientificas Instituto de Automatica Industrial 

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid 


Industrial Technology Research Institution 

The Netherlands

Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI) (The National Research Institute for Mathematicsand Computer Science in the Netherlands) 

Computer Museum, University of Amsterdam 

Ministry of Economic Affairs 

Ministry of Education, Culture & Science 

United Kingdom

Bodleian Library 

Imperial College, London 

Museum of Historyof Science 

Science Museum 

The Bodleian Libray at Oxford University 

The British Library 

The British Museum 

The London Schoolof Economics and Political Science 

The Museum of Scince and Industry 

The Royal Society 

The Science Policy esearch Unit (SPRU) Library and Information


The Whipple Collecion at the University of Cambridge 

Warick University 

United States

Arizona State University 

Carnegie Libraries 

Carnegie Museum 

Carnegie-Mellon University 

Center for Innovative Learning Technologies 

Dakota State University 

Duke University 

Eastman School of Music 

Elmer Homes Bobst Library 

Emory University 

Field Museum of Natural History 

Harvard University 

Healthcare Advisory Board Company 

Indiana Historical Society 

Inter American Development Bank 

IUPUI University Library's Special Collections and Archives 

LeHigh University 

Library of Congress 

Lincoln Center Library of the Performing Arts 

Louisiana State University and A&M College 

Michigan State University 

Michigan State University Libraries 


Museum of Science 

Museum of Science and Industry 

New York Hall of Science 

New York Institute of Technology 

New York Public Library 

Oklahoma State University 

Pepperdine University 

Public Education Network 

Rand Corporation 

Rice University 

San Bernardino County Museum 

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 

Sandel Library-University of Louisiana at Monroe 

Smithsonian Archives 

South Carolina Department of Archives and History 

South Dakota State University 

St. Mary's Episcopal School 

Stanford University 

State University 

State University of New York 

Tech Museum of Innovation 

The Brookings Institution Library 

The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) 

The North Carolina Board of Science and Technology 

The North Carolina Museum of History 

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 

The University of North Carolina 

Thomas Jefferson Memorial 

University of Arizona 

University of California 

University of California at Berkeley 

University of California at Los Angeles 

University of Connecticut Library 

University of Illinois Library 

University of Memphis 

University of Michigan 

University of Michigan, Center for Information Technology 

University of Michigan Library 

University of Oregon 

University of South Carolina 

University of South Dakota 

University of Wisconsin 


Virginia Polytechnic Institute 

Washington University 

West Virginia University 

Wheaton College 

Wisconsin State Historical Society 

Z. Smith Reynolds Library-Wake Forest University


United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization

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