Why this topic?

We are interested in water, its cycle, its relations with the climate and with the use of water resources, but also the study and evaluation of the importance of the sea, which represents the base level of all continental waters, has on the evolution of the territory, on the water cycle and on natural and artificial alluvial systems (eg rivers and canals, deltas and coastal plains).

This is why we want to address the issue of domestic use of drinking water, a precious and increasingly scarce resource on our planet.

There are already data on the uses of and domestic consumption of water, in particular drinking water, but we want to update these numbers and include data from different countries and from as many people as possible, including children and teens. The questionnaires were created with the help of peers to better understand daily habits and lifestyles. In this way, we can understand how you use water, how much you use, and if you are aware of any waste or incorrect/excessive use.