Please, if you can send us the PHOTOGRAPHS OF GLOVES or MASKS that you have seen abandoned in the city or in nature

by specifying the Nation and the municipality of origin

Why this topic?

The main purpose is to raise awareness among citizens on the problem of growing pollution from waste present in the sea and in particular those of plastic, which we find in large quantities stranded on our coasts. We would like to use participatory science (Citizen Science) also as a tool to inform them about the various aspects related to the composition, use, disposal, reuse and recycling of these materials, with a view to optimizing their use and reducing their dispersion in the environment.

The aim is to collect data and information on the use of plastic, its consumption and the disposal of waste derived from it. We are very interested in this topic because it is closely connected with the problem of marine litter and the accumulation of waste on the beaches and in the marine environment. With this activity, we want to stimulate your interest in learning about the processes and phenomena connected to the world of plastic. Once understood, we hope this could help you adopt more responsible and environmentally aware lifestyles. Because this is a period where we are experiencing an unconventional opportunity for verification, we also want to determine if there are differences in behavior resulting from the current health emergency.