





我们设定的主题有三种:1) “我的家庭用水”,讨论家里饮用水使用的问题,2)“餐桌边的海洋”,更好地了解您对鱼和海产品的消费3) SOS: 海上的塑料,为您提供一个关于塑料垃圾对环境影响的思考角度。








“追寻大海的‘踪迹’”这个项目来自于意大利海洋研究所的研究者Francesca Alvisi和Silvia Merlino的想法,并由CNR-IRBIM的Elisa Baldrighi收集、整理并完善由意大利海洋研究所与学校、市民长期开展的以海洋为共有主题的项目,同时还与 传播与公共关系部门的Silvia Mattoni,Francesca Messina和Luca Balletti进行合作。

其中,第一个项目“追寻大海的‘踪迹’”项目于2019年诞生,其名字与灵感来自https://www.trekkingitalia.org/web/emilia-romagna/news-eventi#/news/-/icle/1928632/trek-e-mare),同时也要感谢博洛尼亚意大利海洋研究所总部的海洋地质学家Francesca Alvisi的想法,她提议与意大利登山协会 (TI) 合作,让其成员和随行人员自主寻找海洋的“踪迹”,即使是在显然或似乎看不到海的地方。我们提出的活动有三种,虽然存在不同但却具有很好的关联性:1)与Francesca一起进行的系列踏青活动,我们设计的路线可以让您在即使不那么明显的地方也能发现大海的“踪迹”;2) 在博洛尼亚意大利登山协会 (TI)总部举行的 7个系列研讨会,以此作为户外活动的补充,每一个研讨会都旨在阐明海洋文化的7个基本原则的其中一个(http://www.coexploration.org/oceanliteracy/documents/ OceanLitChart.pdf); 3)与其他意大利海洋研究所研究人员的周期性秋季研讨会,以此阐明特定的研究活动和研究主题。

第二个项目是“海洋清洁者”(SeaCleaner) (https://sites.google.com/view/seacleaner)。该合作项目的诞生要感谢意大利海洋研究所位于莱里奇(SP)总部的的物理学家Silvia Merlino将研究、参与性科学和教育活动与环境可持续性相结合。“海洋清洁者”是在Pèlagos鲸类保护区诞生的(https://www.sanctuaire-pelagos.org/It/),这是一个受到保护的海域,许多海洋哺乳动物都生活在这里,在它周围的海岸有一个奇怪的两分法:这些地区有许多公园与具有高社会利益的保护区,并以其美丽和独特的海洋生态系统而闻名,同时也高度人性化。



第三个项目“被我们浪费的水”其实刚刚诞生(https://www.waterwewaste.netsons.org/),而这次它是作为意大利海洋研究所和圣卢卡迪博洛尼亚Beata vergine学校的合作项目的一部分。这一项目发现了一个机会,那就是正是因为,或者说多亏了这段隔离时期,您们不得不进行远程学习活动。我们对水资源及其循环、它与气候的关系以及我们如何使用方面的兴趣是因为cheACQUA项目(https://fbkjunior.fbk.eu/projects/detail / che-acqua-as-2019-2020 /)的课程而产生的,这里要感谢Francesca Alvisi的合作,她参与到了一所博洛尼亚式学校与特伦蒂诺由FBK (https://www.fbk.eu/ )基金会协调的学校网络的合作当中。博洛尼亚学生的目标是研究和评价海洋的重要性,海洋代表所有大陆海域的基准水平面,对领土的演变、水循环以及自然和人工冲积系统(例如河流和运河,三角洲和沿海平原)存在影响。他们通过创建模型来分析一些具体的案例,从而重现沿海地区的形态。

第四个项目叫做“Tipicità in Blu” (www.tipicitainblu.it)。自2016年以来,安科纳市政当局和商会赞助了这个节日,一些地方政府、渔业协会和CNR-IRBIM合作的节日也参与了合作。该活动主要关注城市与海洋之间的联系,从食物和酒资源到与蓝色经济相关的旅游、经济、文化资源。在这一背景下,CNR-IRBIM的研究人员根据有关海洋生态系统及其“居民”的问题,为学校和市民开展教育活动和研讨会。研究人员还为公众提供了参观他们研究所的机会,并向公众讲解他们在自己实验室的日常活动。


Who we are?


Francesca ALVISI - CNR-ISMAR - Bologna (Italy)

I am a geologist, and in particular a "sedimentary geologist" or sedimentologist and I work at the Institute of Marine Sciences of the National Research Council (CNR-ISMAR). This profession has taught me to observe the area around me, to wonder about its origins and its history and, since I have been working on marine issues, to become aware of how many links there are between the Earth and the Sea.

Passionate about life in the open air, I have always walked, thanks above all to my parents who have transmitted to me, since childhood, the passion for this simple and revolutionary activity at the same time. It is therefore natural that my path would sooner or later meet that of Trekking Italy. In 2005 my first trek as a new member and in 2009 my first trek from SA, then I am also elected councilor and delegate, and nominated as training manager.

Hence the idea of ​​finally connecting work and passion by proposing an official collaboration between CNR-ISMAR and Trekking Italia which had as its theme the discovery of the intense and deep relationships that bind the marine environment to our territories, and achieved through meetings in home and walking together.

In addition, the passion for geology, nature and the storytelling of stories and landscapes has led me since my student to become passionate about the dissemination and communication of science to share with those around me what I gradually learned to understand and therefore to look at with new eyes. Numerous classes, teachers, friends, citizens with whom I have collaborated and worked, always promoting scientific themes and knowledge of the world of research.

Silvia MERLINO - CNR-ISMAR - Lerici (SP) (Italy)

Ph. D. in Astrophysics and elementary particles at the University of Granada - Spain (1997 - 2000), Post-Doc at the University of Parma (2000-2001), Researcher at the INFM (2001 - 2009), now CNR researcher at the ISMAR Institute. His scientific activity until 2009 touched two main fields: "Astrophysics - Galaxy Evolution" and "Didactics and popularization of physics", and from 2009 also Physical Oceanography / marine sciences. He is the author and co-author of national and international scientific and educational publications, and of multimedia courses on CD-ROM and online, some winners of national and international awards. He has organized numerous scientific festivals and dissemination and outreach activities. She was a member of the INFM Research Group for teaching and popularizing physics (2001-2009) and, at the same time, a member of the scientific editorial staff of the Genoa Science Festival. He is co-responsible for the scientific content and multimedia tools of the Arkimedeion Interactive Scientific Museum in Syracuse (Sicily, Italy). He currently carries out research in the field of marine and environmental sciences. sustainable physical and nautical oceanography. It is also actively involved in science education projects, with interventions ranging from citizen science to teaching and non-formal learning programs. She is a member of the Ocean Literacy Italia (OLI) association, of the European Marine Science Educators Association (EMASEA), and is the communication manager for the CNR within the EMSO-Italia Joint Research Unit.

Elisa BALDRIGHI - CNR-IRBIM - Ancona (Italy)

Master's degree in Marine Biology from the Marche Polytechnic University (2007). PhD in Marine Biology and Ecology at the Polytechnic University of Marche (2013) and in close collaboration with the NIOO and NIOZ research centers (Holland), where he spends a good part of the PhD. After obtaining his doctorate, he obtained several post-doc research grants on international projects at the CNR of Ancona, Ifremer and Université de Bretagne Ovest (IUEM-UBO) in France and CoNISMa; wins two research grants (LabexMER and Visiting Scientist) at the Departement Ressources physiques et Ecosystemes de fond de Mer (REM, Brest). He is currently a research fellow at CNR-IRBIM in Lesina and Ancona and is involved in two projects concerning the microbiota of lagoon fish (CNR-IRBIM Lesina) and the quality of coastal waters (CNR-IRBIM Ancona). Actively collaborates with EcoTechSystems s.r.l. and the Polytechnic University of Marche - DISVA (Department of Life and Earth Sciences). The main research topic concerns the ecology and biodiversity of coastal macro- and meio-benthic organisms and of extreme deep marine environments and their interactions with microbial populations in relation to the different environmental characteristics. In addition, particular attention is paid to the taxonomy and functional diversity of nematodes in different marine ecosystems and their interaction with microorganisms and their use as indicators of environmental impact.

The Aquatic team

Federico Plazzi - Institute Salesian BVSL - Bologna (Italy)

Alessia Preci - University of Bologna - Bologna (Italy)

Class 4 of secondary school - Institute Salesian BVSL - Bologna (Italy)

The Seafood team

Sabrina Colella - CNR-IRBIM - Ancona (Italy)

Monica Panfili - CNR-IRBIM - Ancona (Italy)

The Plastic team

Simona Bronco - CNR-IPCF - Pisa (Italy)

Francesca Cicogna and Serena Coiai - CNR-ICCOM - Pisa (Italy)

Marina Locritani - INGV - La Spezia (Italy)

Our partners

The Portuguese team

Joaquim Ramos Pinto - ASPEA - Lisbon (Portugal)

The Spanish team

Gabriel Angel Latorre Diaz - EsenRED / CEHS - Logroño (Spain)

José Manuel Gutiérrez Bastida - ESenRED / Ingurugela - Bilbao (Spain)

The Chinese team

Emily King - COSEE China - Xiamen (China)

The Greek Team

Yolanda Koulouri - HCMR-IMBBC – Crete (Greece)

Athanasios Mogias - Democritus University of Thrace – Alexandroupolis (Greece)

The Brazilian team

Paulo Lima - Viração Educomunicação - Sao Paulo (Brazil)

The Australian team

Tullio Rossi - Animate Your Science - Adelaide (Australia)

