Frequently Asked Questions


What does Citizen Science mean?

Citizen Science means science made by citizens, that is, the possibility for society to participate actively in research projects by contributing to the collection of data. This method of research is very important because it allows you to collect data that probably would otherwise be difficult to obtain and because it allows you to raise public awareness of the issues addressed.

What is a data acquisition protocol?

An acquisition protocol is a tested and standardized methodology for acquiring data. Its function is to be able to collect comparable data even if the data have been collected in different places and times and by different people.

I'm on the website but I can find the questionnaires. Why?

The questionnaires will be periodically made accessible in the different sections, i.e. WATER AT HOME, THE SEA AT THE TABLE and SOS PLASTIC AT SEA. If you do not find them, it is because that particular survey phase is completed. As soon as a new data collection phase starts, new instructions will be made available on the website.

I filled in the questionnaire but the number on the site did not increase, do I have to do it again?

No, usually the number is updated automatically but there may be technical delay. If, after pressing the "Send" button, you have received a confirmation message, your questionnaire has been registered.

I filled in the questionnaire but I don't see my town on the map. Do I have to do it again?

No, the map does not update automatically. If, after pressing the "Send" button, you have received a confirmation message, your questionnaire has been registered.

Can I participate from abroad?

Of course! This is a Citizen Science initiative open to the whole world! The more data we collect, the more accurate our results will be. Consider sharing the project with your friends so we will have more data for your area/country.

Where will the results be published?

When we have collected a significant number of answers, we will begin to publish the data, updating them constantly. The final results will be published on this site when the surveys are finished, and possibly on research papers.

Until when can I fill in the questionnaire?

Check the deadlines for participation reported in the section HOW TO PARTICIPATE. New data collection phases will periodically be proposed.


What does “duration of the shower" mean?

It refers to the entire time the faucet is turned on.

What is the difference between a toilet flush with a limiter and one without? How can I recognize it?

A flush with a limiter, easily recognizable by the presence of two buttons, allows you to flush the toilet without emptying the entire cistern. This function is designed for smaller needs. Single button models do not have this feature.

I usually drink filtered water. What should I indicate when asked about the origin of the water I drink?

Indicate the source from which you take the water before filtering it. Filtering is simply a further step.

Why should the meter value be converted into liters?

The numbers on the meter indicate the volume of water consumed expressed in m³ (cubic meter) usually adopted to calculate the bill. However, our goal is to measure the daily water consumption, therefore we ask to convert cubic meter into liters (remember that 1 m3 correspond to 1000 liters).

Why do I only have 1 meter at home?

If you only have 1 meter in your house, it means that you have an independent boiler and therefore you produce hot water on your own (without depending on condominium boilers). In order to calculate your water consumption, it is therefore sufficient to measure cold water entering your home.

Why do I have 2 counters at home?

If you have 2 meters, it means that the hot water you use is produced by a condominium boiler (and not independently). In order to calculate your water consumption it is therefore necessary to measure both cold and hot incoming water.

Do I have to fill in the questionnaire in the evening?

No, you can also fill it in the next day, but you must refer to the day you monitor your water uses. At the beginning of the questionnaire indicate the date of the monitored date (e.g. if on the 22th of May I fill in the questionnaire which refers to the monitoring carried on the 21st of May, you will indicate 21st of May and insert the data for that day).


What is meant by plastic food packaging?

Plastic food packaging means all rigid and flexible plastic containers that are suitable for containing a food. Among the different characteristics, they must be able to: preserve the food; not transfer foreign flavors and odors or toxic substances to the food; allow its transport and storage; allow the consumer to identify the food and its state of conservation.

What is meant by "types of disposable gloves"?

Disposable gloves can be made of different materials, such as PVC (vinyl) or nitrile (used in medical clinics). These are often blue in color, but that’s not the only color they come in. Latex gloves are also used in clinics and are often white in color. Polyethylene gloves are those found in supermarkets as well as Mater-Bi gloves that you always find in supermarkets, but they are made of biodegradable material. Each type has its own characteristics of wear resistance and durability. Those made of vinyl, nitrile and latex are the most resistant. Be careful though as some people can be allergic to latex.

Where can I find the information to identify the types of disposable gloves?

You can find the abbreviations or the composition on the packaging that contains them. Without the packaging they are not clearly recognizable.

What is meant by "types of masks"?

There are different types of masks: from surgical ones (DM or Medical Device), certified as PPE (Individual Protection Device), to those not certified, such as those for accident prevention or those called "community masks", which can also be made at home. Some have a lower environmental impact, if dispersed into the environment, some are reusable (abbreviation R) while others are not (abbreviation NR).

Where can I find information to identify the types of masks?

You can find the abbreviation on your masks, if imprinted on the fabric, or on the packaging. The composition of the materials that make them up can be printed on the packaging or on the supplier's website.

What is meant by surgical masks (DM)? What can they filter?

They are personal protective equipment (PPE) formed by 2-3 layers of non-woven fabric (TNT) with different characteristics that serve to give the final properties to the mask. They generally have high a filtering capacity from the inside to the outside and little filtering capacity from the outside to the inside due to the poor adherence to the face.

What is meant by FFP1 masks? What can they filter?

They are personal protective equipment (PPE) made with non-woven fabric (TNT). Each layer has different properties and functionalities. The outer layer of the mask protects against larger particles, the middle layer filters out smaller particles. The layer in contact with the face maintains the shape of the mask and protects the mask from the humidity produced by breathing, coughing or sneezing. They have a filtering capacity in both directions of about 70%.

What is meant by FFP2 masks? What can they filter?

They are personal protective equipment (PPE) made with non-woven fabric (TNT). Each layer has different properties and functionalities. The outer layer of the mask protects against larger particles, the middle layer filters out smaller particles. The layer in contact with the face maintains the shape of the mask and protects the mask from the humidity produced by breathing, coughing or sneezing. They have filtering capacity in both directions of about 92%. The pores are larger than those of viruses, but are able to block particles due to electrostatic effects and viruses that do not travel in the form of aerosols.

What is meant by FFP3 masks? What can they filter?

They are personal protective equipment (PPE) made with non-woven fabric (TNT). Each layer has different properties and functionalities. The outer layer of the mask protects against larger particles, the middle layer filters out smaller particles. They have filtering capacity in both directions of around 98%. They have a filtering capacity similar to surgical ones. They can be uncomfortable to wear, because the exhaled air accumulates inside, making the surface moist and hindering breathing. Moisture can reduce the incoming filtering power and therefore they must be changed frequently.

What is the valve in some masks for?

They allow for easier breathing, but they protect the wearer and not others, as air exits through the valve. In fact, in the presence of a valve, the FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 type masks have an external filtering capacity of approximately 20%.

What does it mean that the coronavirus remains "active"?

The preliminary studies carried out suggest that the virus can survive, and thus remain potentially active and infectious, for several hours on different types of surfaces. In particular, it has been estimated that SARS-CoV-2 can withstand up to 3 days on plastic and stainless steel, while it only lasts for 4 hours on copper, and no more than 24 hours on cardboard. However, as suggested by the Italian Higher Institute of Health, the use of alcohol-based (ethanol) or chlorine-based (bleach) disinfectants is able to kill the virus, thus rendering it non-infectious.

What is meant by marine litter?

With this term, literally "marine garbage", we mean all the waste present in the marine environment. Most of this waste is made of plastic materials, but they can also be made of other materials (e.g. wood, rubber, paper, etc.) and can be of different sizes, from very small (micro) to very large (macro).