1968: War on Drugs

The War on Drugs is an American term that was first used by President Nixon in 1971. His slogan would begin a campaign that is still running now and having far reaching effects on across the world. In 44 years the American Government has spent $2.3 trillion dollars on the War on Drugs with zero results. In fact, it would seem the more money the American Government spends trying to clean up its drug problem, the more drugs they suddenly have to clean up.

One such conspiracy theory revolves around the infamous drug lord Pablo Escobar, who showed the world that being a drug lord was one of the profitable (and illegal) businesses of all time. Escobar's son revealed that Pablo worked closely with the CIA to smuggle drugs into America.

"My father was a cog in a big business of universal drug trafficking. Pablo Escobar is by not a role model. I admire Pablo, my father, who educated me. Not Escobar, the Druglord."

Juan Escobar

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The War on Drugs