2008: Housing Market Crash

Mortgage crisis. Credit crisis. Bank collapse. Government bailout. Phrases like these were the headlines throughout 2008. A period in which 465 America banks went into bankruptcy overnight. It was the most horrific financial crisis since the Great Depression in 1929.

How did this come about? The Federal Reserve - owned and operated by private bankers - introduced a subprime mortgage market. This means that bankers and mortgage brokers sold the American people bad loans, in the disguise of a good loan. This is fraud! At the highest level. And what this meant, was that the Federal Reserve was creating a market that they knew would crash. They knew that the American people would eventually not be able to pay their loans. This happened in 2008.

Instead of bringing these bankers and mortgage brokers to justice (like they did in Iceland), the American Government planned to bailout the banks. This bailout would cost 16 trillion dollar. This money was taken directly from the American people and given to the Federal Reserve to distribute to banks.

8 million people lost their jobs.

6 million people lost their homes.

2 million people have died as a result of this.

No one went to jail. No one was fined. No one was brought to justice for this crime against the American people. The top 1% of the world's population, owns 90% of the world's wealth and it is because of scams just like this one.

“The housing market crash have made the American people slaves to a debt that should not be theirs.”

Mark Balme - the first man who predicted the crash

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The Hidden Slavery