1643-1727: Sir Isaac Newton

In 1666 Sir Isaac Newton stepped into the spotlight when he laid the blueprints for his three laws of motion. These universal laws are what hold our very world together.

Newton is best known for an apple and gravity. He created the foundation of modern physics and invented calculus. He once stated that if "I achieve anything in my research it is because I am standing on the shoulders of giants." These words seemed to be a self fulfilling prophecy, because centuries later, a man named Albert Einstein would use Newton's Laws to advance progress once more. It is Newton who became a giant for men to stand upon.

Newton's groundbreaking work came to a head in 1687. He published his work in a book called the Principia — a book that is still considered to be the greatest science book ever written.

In 2016 historians proved that Newton is still relevant today. A hidden manuscript was discovered which provided the recipe for mercury, a recipe that was considered impossible. Newton discovered a small step in a recipe for the philosopher's stone. A stone thought to have supernatural powers — like turning metal into gold and granting the owner immortality.

Proving that Newton is still a giant for men to stand upon.

"I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people."

Sir Isaac Newton

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