1952-Present Day: Queen Elizabeth II

As of 2017, Queen Elizabeth is now the longest-serving British monarch in history.

Queen Elizabeth II has sat upon on the throne for 64, almost 65 years. Her 64 years as Queen has seen a decline of the British Empire, as well as huge highs and lows in royal popularity.

With the explosion of technology and media, the Royal Family took centre stage. The obsession with the Royal Family reached new heights in the 1990’s because of a woman named Diana.

The life of Princess Diana; from marriage, to divorce, to death, to funeral, captured the world and put the Queen in a spot light that she was not used to. When Diana died the Queen refused to mourn in public and the people of England were furious. They wanted their Queen. They wanted her to speak, to comfort her people, they wanted her to mourn with them, to show them that she was feeling the same pain that they all felt too. Eventually, the Queen bowed to her people.

She changed because her people demanded it of her. The Royal Family has remained Royal because the Queen has learned that change will ensure the survival of the Monarchy.

The word that best describes the second Elizabethan era would be 'change' rather than 'glory.' Elizabeth has proved that woman in power.

"You need to learn to stand up for yourself and what you believe. And sometimes, pardon my language, sometimes you need to kick some ass."

Queen Elizabeth II

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