1642-1651: English Civil War

The English Civil War raged from 1642-1651.

In this Civil War there were two sides, on one side was King Charles I and his supporters and on the other side was the English Parliament and their supporters. Charles was known for throwing lavish parties and was sending England in bankruptcy. When Parliament decided to cut of Charles’ spending the King was furious. And war soon followed!

King Charles I battled Parliament for control of England.

The Civil War reached a tipping point when Charles was executed by his people.

After the King was executed the state leader of the Commonwealth of England became the Protectorate, otherwise known as the Protector of the Realm. His name was Oliver Cromwell.

In 1660 The English Parliament invited Charles II to take the throne.

Parliament's victory in the Civil War set a precedent. That a monarch could not rule England without the consent of Parliament. This set England on a path that would change the monarchy forever. Where power was taken from Kings and Queens and handed to the people of England.

"The English Civil war is easy enough to understand. When the wealth of a nation is in the hands of one man, and that man keeps all of the wealth for himself, instead of sharing it with his people. What will stop his people from begging, or stealing, or picking up a gun and becoming a soldier? That is how the English Civil War happened."

William Petty

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