1963: JFK

November 22, 1963: American Coup d'etat. History remembers it as the day President JFK was assassinated.

Coup d'état, definition: the sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by a small military or political group.

Today, 80% of all living American's believe that JFK was assassinated by their own government, that there was a greater conspiracy responsible for his death. Now there are numerous conspiracy theories to explore and the real truth of JFK's assassination. Was something more sinister lurking in Dallas that day?

"One day, after I am long gone, you will remember me and say; we should have stopped the nuclear program of Israel, abolished the Federal Reserve and kicked all secret societies out of our wonderful country, in order to keep it wonderful. And when you remember me, I want you to know, that it is never too late. Just remember that."

President JFK

When you explore the 'why' of any good conspiracy theory, it might just lead you to the 'who.' And isn't that the real question here; who assassinated JFK? So let's begin by exploring why an American coup d'etat occurred on November 22, 1963.

"There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.

President JFK, 7 days before his assassination

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