1765-1783: American Revolution

The American Revolution raged from 1775 - 1783, at a time when the world was at war with itself. It was a war of thinking and ideas, ideas that lead to a war of blood and fire.

At this moment in history the British Crown was in control of America. But the British Crown began abusing the rights of the colonists living in America. When this happened the people rose up and decided to become independent from the Monarchy.

In 1776 the Second Continental Congress penned a document that is perhaps considered the most influential political document of modern history. A document that would come to shape the greatest super power our world has ever seen. The Declaration of Independence.

For Americans the Declaration was a great step forward in achieving their freedom and liberty.

For the British, the document was a declaration of war, and so, the British Crown sent their soldiers to the shores of America. The Revolution had begun and history would remember it for the words that written, the speeches that were given and for the men who founded a nation.

"All men are created equal and have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence, July 4 1776

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