1066: William the CONQUEROR

In 1028, an unmarried French woman gave birth to the son. His father was the French Duke of Normandy. People taunted the boy with the nickname "William the Bastard." Little did these people know, that William the Bastard would soon become William the Conqueror. A bastard who would be remembered by history as one of the most brutal and influential Kings England ever saw.

On October 14th 1066, William invaded England. The English army, led by King Harold II, was defeated by William and his army of Normans at the Battle of Hastings. Most people will remember the famous story of King Harold, who was killed by an arrow through his eye. This signalled England's defeat and thus, William the Bastard became King William I of England.

But Hastings was more than just a battle, it was the start of a new chapter in England’s history. The Norman Invasion may seem like a very distant event in England’s long history, but it is one worth remembering. The Norman Invasion of England brought many changes with it. Changes that left a scar on the country, a scar that would ultimately ensure that England and her people would never be conquered again.

It would take 300 years before an Englishman would be crowned the King of England.

"This England never did, and never shall, lie at the proud foot of a conqueror."

William Shakespeare

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