3300BC: Indus Valley

In 1922, archaeologists made an exciting discovery, the remains of an ancient city from a previously unknown civilisation. The Indus cities had dockyards, granaries, warehouses, and protective walls. Dockyards to park boats, granaries to store grains, warehouses to store what they manufactured for trade and the tall walls of the cities most likely protected them from floods. Some researchers say that maybe the tall walls were built to protect the cities from invaders, but excavations proves that the Indus Valley people never went to battles or wars. Till date, no weapons have been excavated. Indus Valley was a peaceful civilisation that existed for almost 1000 years. So the question then remains - how did this civilisation disappear? There is no sign of violence, flooding, disease, or any other catastrophe. Why did the Indus Valley cease to exist?

"India began in the Indus Valley."

Gene Peterson

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