2011: Muammar GADDAFI

How can Africa be so poor and yet be material so rich?

The answer is a simple one - because the world's powers have taken it upon themselves to redistribute the wealth of the African continent into the hands of a very small white population. Muammar Gaddafi was the leader of Libya and wanted to tackle this issue head on, to take back Africa and return it to its former glory.

Gaddafi's vision for Libya and Africa resulted in the CIA funding a militant group in Libya, who then toppled Gaddafi's Government and assassinated him in the streets. Libya is now controlled by ISIS.

"Obama called Gaddafi evil. Let's take a look at that. In Gaddafi's Libya there was free health care for all of his people. There was free electricity. There was interest free loans. Newlyweds received 50k start up from the Government. New mothers received 5k from the Government when their child was born. He was rebuilding Africa. Now repeat after me, Gaddafi was evil."

Jim Volterra, Political Commentator

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