2600BC: Mayan

The Maya were a mighty civilisation based in the low, rainy forests of South America. The culture began in 2600 BC, peaked around 800 AD, then fell into a steep decline. Historical anthropologists used to believe the Maya were a peaceful people, who went to war very rarely, if at all. It was believed that the Maya people dedicated themselves to astronomy, building, farming and other non-violent pursuits.

However, recent findings at Maya sites instead prove that the Maya were a violent, warmongering society.

Wars and warfare were important to the Maya for a variety of reasons, including having power over neighbouring city-states, having prestige, and having prisoners and slaves for ritual sacrifices. Despite being a war obsessed people, the Maya elders also offered great wisdom, which is what they are known for.

"The greatest wisdom is in simplicity. Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. Life is not complex. The real knowledge is free. All you need is within you already. Great teachers have said it from the beginning of time. Find your heart and you will find your way."

Mayan Elder of the Eagle Clan

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