1789-1799: French Revolution

The Reign of Terror began on September of 1793 in France. It marked the beginning of the French Revolution. A revolution that would change the face of France forever.

Mass executions became the norm as the country went up in flames. As blood filled the streets, the guillotine became the symbol of the revolution. But that could not stop the tides of change.

The people wanted their liberty, they wanted their freedom, they wanted a democracy and they would not settle for any less. The people would have liberty, or they would have death.

The French Revolution had many lasting results. Out of the chaos, came freedom.

A feeling of national pride swept through the nation. The French people had taken their country back, a country that was theres to protect, theirs to lead, theirs to change if they wanted to.

The Revolution also allowed for a new man to take center stage in France. A man by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte. A man who paved the way into modern day warfare.

"Wherever there is a dictatorship, revolution becomes a right."

Victor Hugo

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