325: Council of Nicea

The most profound, question of the Church: Who is Jesus Christ?

July 4th 325, was a memorable day. About three hundred Christian bishops of the Roman Empire had come to Nicea, a little town in the Mediterranean. In the conference hall, where the bishops waited, was a table. On it, lay an open copy of the Gospels. The Emperor, Constantine the Great, demanded only one thing; for the bishops to agree on a single version of Christianity.

The main thing that the bishops didn’t agree came down to one question; Who was Jesus Christ? The disagreements about who Jesus was lead to wars that spanned centuries, burnt cities to the ground and caused the death of millions. War would continue if this question was not answered.

Constantine wanted peace in the Empire and so he brought together 300 bishops to answer that question. And so the bishops went about assembling a book that they all agreed upon. It would be called the Bible.

Constantine believed that putting together a book of sacred writings, a book that everyone agreed upon, would give authority to the new church. And he was right. The Council of Nicea, laid the cornerstone of Christianity. A foundation that has stood the test of time ever since.

"Disagreement in the Church is worse than war. It breeds an eternal war, a war that never ends."

Constantine the Great

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