Recommended Account Settings

  1. Go to UW Zoom Account Settings page.

  2. ENABLE these settings under the Meetings tab (* denotes that setting can be changed inside a running Zoom meeting):

    • Waiting Room* and/or Require a passcode when scheduling new meetings

      • You can allow those with UW NetIDs to bypass the waiting room

      • To enhance meeting security, Zoom is now requiring meeting hosts to enable either the waiting room or a passcode (formerly “password”) for all meetings. The waiting room and passcodes create an additional layer of security, and Zoom is requiring this change to prevent unauthorized entry to and interruption of online meetings. Webinars are excluded from this requirement.

      • If you do not have the waiting room or a passcode enabled by Wednesday, August 26, a waiting room will be enabled for you. However, we encourage you to review your settings now and enable one of these options.

      • You can still disable/enable waiting room and passcode on individual meetings regardless of what you have on your account settings.

    • Embed passcode in invite link for one-click join

    • Mute participants upon entry*

    • Chat*

    • Private Chat*

    • Co-host

    • Screen sharing (host only)*

    • Allow participants to rename themselves*

    • Breakout room

      • Allow host to assign participants to breakout rooms when scheduling

    • Closed captioning

  3. ENABLE these settings under the Recording tab:

    • Local recording

    • Cloud recording

    • Only authenticated users can view cloud recordings