
Grade Posting Policy

Grade posting policy determines when grades become visible to students. Grades can be released automatically or manually, but we recommend manual posting so that you can control when grades are released. If you use one of our Canvas course templates, your course's grade posting policy has been set to manual.

Grade with SpeedGrader

Enable an ISchool Grading Scheme

Based on a great deal of research, the iSchool has created two "standard" conversion scales (grading schemes) that anybody can use in their courses. These schemes have been made available at our sub-account level and are easily accessed from any course without having to manually create a scale using the Canvas tool or the UW-IT tool.

To add an iSchool scheme to your course:

Whatever you use as your grading conversion scale, it is highly recommended that you add the break points of the scale to your course so that students will know where the cutoffs are for each point of the scale. If using one of the iSchool schemes, be sure to link to it in your syllabus.

Hide Grade Distribution Graphs

By default, Canvas allows students to see grade distribution graphs for each assignment. Distribution graphs allow students to see their score, the high score, the low score and the mean for each individual assignment. If you don't want your students to see this data, follow the instructions below:

Students will no longer have access to the grade distribution information.

Submit Final Grades

Instructors are required to submit their students' final grades at the end of the quarter. Simply entering grades in Canvas doesn't fulfill this requirement. Please see below for instructions on how to submit grades.