Import Content from Previous Course

Import a previous course

  1. First, import one of iSchool templates.

  2. Second, import the content from your old course by following the instructions below:

    1. Go to your course > Settings > Import Content into this Course.

    2. On the Content Type drop-down menu, select the Copy a Canvas Course option.

    3. Type the title of the course you'd like to import in the Course name field, and click on the course when it appears.

    4. Next to Content, choose Select specific content.

    5. Click on Import.

    6. Current Jobs area will appear. Click on the blue button that says Select Content.

    7. Select everything but not Course Settings, Syllabus Body, Announcements, and other content you don't want to import. Click on Select Import.

Move content from old pages into new template pages

Now comes the more tedious part of transferring your content into the new template pages. This process can be time-consuming and requires a lot of attention to detail. If you want someone on the Learning Technologies Team to take care of this process, please email

Transfer the Syllabus page to the new template

  1. You should have gone through the steps on the top part of this page under "Importing a Previous Course", which means you've imported a template and also content from a previous course minus the old courses' Syllabus and a couple other components.

  2. Open the Syllabus page on the old course and the Syllabus page on the new course (imported from the new template) side-by-side.

  3. Place the two pages side-by-side and click on the Edit button on both pages.

  4. Select blocks of text from the old Syllabus page, copy them, and paste them into the new Syllabus page. Do this for every section of the Syllabus. Don't select any headings from the old Syllabus page.

  5. Save the new Syllabus page.

  6. Check all links, as it's likely that you'll need to update all of them to go to pages/files located in your new course. To update the links, click the Edit button and save the page when you have completed the changes.

Transfer non-Syllabus page content (e.g. Course Schedule, Module 1, etc.):

  1. You should have gone through the steps on the top part of this page under "Import a Previous Course", which means you've imported a template and course content from a previous course. At this point you should have pages from your old course (e.g. Course Schedule, Module 1, etc) that contains your content, and also corresponding pages from the template that contains the new formatting, on the new course.

  2. Open a page (e.g. Course Schedule, Module 1, etc.) that you've imported from the old course on the new course, and the corresponding page imported from the template on the new course side-by-side.

  3. Place the two pages side-by-side and click on the Edit button on both pages.

  4. Select blocks of text from the page imported from the old course, copy them, and paste them into the new page. Do this for every section of the page. Don't select any headings from the old page.

  5. Save the new page.

  6. Now that you've transferred content to the new page, you can delete the old page that you've imported into this course.

Notes on importing

  • If your old course used groups, you'll need to set up new groups in the new course, as well as configure your assignments to use the new groups.