Change Display Name or Add Pronouns

Option 1: Before Joining a Zoom Meeting

Keep in mind that you have to complete the following steps every time you join the Zoom room because the change is not permanent.

  1. Launch Zoom Desktop Client (download and install it if you haven't already).

  2. Login to the client with your UW NetID.

  3. Click Join.

  4. Copy and paste the Zoom Meeting ID.

  5. Edit your display name and/or add your pronouns.

  6. Click Join.

Option 2: Inside a Zoom Meeting

You can change your display name inside a Zoom meeting if the meeting host allows it. Like option 1, this change is also not permanent.

  1. Join a Zoom meeting.

  2. Click Participants to open up the Participant sidebar.

  3. Hover over your name at the top of the participant list, then click Rename.

  4. Edit your display name and/or add your pronouns.

  5. Click OK.

Option 3: Via UW Identity

Unlike option 1 and 2, this option permanently changes your preferred name. Changing it here will change how your name appears in all UW systems, not just Zoom.

  1. Go to UW Identity.

  2. Click Edit to the right of Preferred Name.

  3. Edit your display name and/or add your pronouns to the end of your last name.

  4. Click Agree and Save Name button.