Online Meeting Best Practices

1. Log in 10 Minutes Before a Class/Meeting

It's really helpful if online participants log in 10 minutes early to test audio and video. This allows time to get in touch with Learning Technologies and resolve any issue. If all is working and you don't need help, you can simply mute your microphone, stop your camera, and then come back when the class/meeting starts.

2. Keep Your Microphone Muted When Not Speaking

Reduce the possibility of background noises in your environment from being broadcast into the Zoom room by ensuring the red line through the microphone icon on the Zoom toolbar is present until you're ready to speak. Unmute your microphone by clicking the icon when you're ready to speak.

3. Use a Headset with Mic

Plug in a headset with mic, or a set of earbuds, to keep audio from your system speakers from entering back into your system microphone, which potentially creates some really bad audio feedback experienced by all. Ouch!

4. Have a solid Internet Connection

Zoom normally works in even low bandwidth, but to avoid potential problems choose a place with a strong connection. (Can you stream YouTube where you are? If so, your connection is probably adequate.) If you are planning on using Kubi in Zoom, however, a weak internet connection is more likely to create problems. We have also had problems with users of Google Chromebooks with Kubi. Please use a different device if possible.