School Council

Our School Councillors:

Our Manifesto:

At Western House Academy, the School Council like to influence change; we realise that we are the ‘voice’ of all the pupils in our school. We are a very committed and responsible team of leaders and dedicate lots of our time to represent the views of our fellow pupils. Our behaviour is exceptional and this is why we have been voted for, in a democratic election, as School Councillors by our class peers. 

We are going to work closely with Mrs Snowden, Miss Savage & Mrs Bala, our teachers and, of course, our class pupils to make Western House Academy a school where the ‘voice’ of the children is heard and acted upon. 

The school values will play a big part of how we work together as a team; we are ambitious as we want to make a difference in school.  We will be using the school value of courage as we will be standing up and voicing other people’s opinions.  Respecting other people’s ideas and wishes is also a Western House Academy value we shall develop and enhance as school councillors. 

As school councillors, we are going to meet our local MP to gain advice about how to be good representatives and gain some knowledge about his role and how this can help us to develop and understand our role as a school councillor. 

Our roles as School Council Members include: 

Autumn Term update:

We introduced ourselves to the team and discussed why we wanted to represent our class on the School Council. We liaised with the children in our year groups and came up with ideas on what to spend the money we raise this year; it was decided that we would save it up and buy some new AR books at the end of the year. We wrote a letter to parents, asking them to donate chocolate boxes for our Christmas Chocolate sale. We then packaged up the chocolates and took them around the school to sell. We raised a total of £333. 

Spring Term update:

Summer Term update:

Click on the following link to view more WHA School Council Projects: