Digital Leads

Our Digital Leaders:

Our Manifesto:

The Digital Lead team are champions from Years 4, 5 and 6 who have the primary role of assisting in ensuring the digital strategy roll out is a success. We understand the importance of ensuring all children at WHA are equipped for the ever increasing digital world that we will evolve within our futures. With that, we undertake extra training (from both within school and larger companies) to ensure we are able to support our peers to stay safe and organised, navigate their Chromebooks and help them achieve the project tasks. With technology, there comes responsibility and an awareness that is required; we aim to ensure we promote the positives but also keep an eye out for any negative impacts that it can have on an individual’s well-being and safety. The use of Chromebooks brings learning to a whole new level, letting us explore places we could only dream of. The team are involved in piloting new apps and providing feedback before they are released to the whole school as a means of quality reassurance.

Our roles as Digital Leads include: 

Autumn Term update:

'During the Autumn term, Years 5 and 6 digital leads received specialist training from Adobe which then made them able to teach their own classes and a Year 4 class by themselves to create an Adobe Christmas themed project. The digital leads have spoken to two external visitors from other schools about WHA’s digital strategy. Children as part of their role have also trialled two new apps which will be rolled out to the children imminently (Adobe and IXL).'

Spring Term update:

Over the last term, the Years 4, 5 and 6 digital leads have been busy attending different Adobe sessions which they then feedback to their own classes in a lesson. They have also teamed up with another school in the federation to share ideas on how schools can use their Chromebooks effectively. We have welcomed the Board of Directors for the Federation into WHA and shared what a success the digital strategy has been in our school. 

Summer Term update: