Green Team

Our Green Team Members:

Our Manifesto:

Lockdown has taught us how co-dependent we are on nature for our physical and mental wellbeing. Through teamwork we will create a green space that we and our community can be proud of. Therefore, we will influence change by educating, informing and involving our school community in all eco activities. We teach our students to make daily informed choices that will benefit their health and wellbeing as well as support the sustainability of our ecosystem. Our aim is for WHA to become greener - one step at a time. Our Green Team aims to add benefit by inducing positive change: for our students; school; local community; as well as our planet. Green Team is symbolic of always striving to do better, of harnessing the enthusiasm of students as a force for good. We believe, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Our roles as Green Team members include: 

Autumn Term update:

'So far in the green team we have been doing fabulous work.

· We have appointed one person from each class to be in the Green Team.

· We have arranged meetings at 12:30 on Tuesday; during the meetings we have created an Action plan,  A Green Team motto (‘Western house goes greener, one step at a time’) and a slogan (‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.’)

· We are litter picking within the school grounds and Years 4, 5 and 6 picked litter outside the school.

· We made posters about keeping our classroom clean, not to litter and a poster about recycling batteries.

· We have run a Bike Ability programme.

· We have run a 2nd hand school uniform clothes sale.

· We are monitoring the energy usage in school and encouraging everyone to switch off lights and whiteboards when leaving the room.

· We are encouraging children to recycle; we are also recycling Christmas wrapping paper and Christmas cards.

· We have 30 trees that are ready to be planted.


And these are our ‘next steps’ for Spring:

· Contribute to our composting video

· Encourage children and staff to be more healthy.

· Start planning the vegetable patch for spring.

· Organise the Green Team Bibs

· Recycling containers in classrooms.'

Spring Term update:

'In Green Team, we have recycled more than ever and have made a lot of compost that has tremendously helped the soil in our grounds. We found a disused compost bin and we will give it to Reception so that they can start to compost their fruit and scraps.

The green team regularly empties the recycling bins across the school and are taking responsibility for ensuring that all of the recyclable materials such as: paper, card and plastic bottles are being properly recycled. Each time we usually fill the entire bin and the green team members generally have to go everyday. One of our members created a doc that went on to the whole school assembly to make a bigger awareness of the issues of not recycling.

We have stopped using so much plastic by getting our nursery children reusable cups to drink from to limit the amount of milk being wasted.

In addition, we have hosted a competition which promoted recycling and making the world Greener. The competition was to design an eco-warrior and the winner was chosen via a class vote. 

We are starting to discuss the use of electricity within the school and one of our green team members has designed a google slide to promote saving electricity.'

Designing our Green Team Logo:

We held a whole school competition whereby all pupils were invited to design a suitable logo to represent the Green Team. The theme was 'eco-warrior'. We had so many brilliant designs and it was very hard to decide on a winner. Each class voted for a design they liked best from a short-list and the winner was the design with the most votes. See if you can spot the winning design, being sorted by members of the Green Team, in the photos. 

Summer Term update:

'The Green Team have been working hard to improve our environment and make the entire world greener. We may be a small team but we are doing bit to help everyone be greener. We have been doing well with our recycling campaign and our composting. The compost has helped us with our planting of fresh fruit and vegetables. We have encouraged lots of children (yes you) to volunteer and join in the changes we are doing to our community. Our changes have impacted well as now recycling is a very big thing that everyone is now aware of. We have also been serving some of our veg in the kitchen (radishes) for everyone to sample! We have had a lovely year and now everyone is greener.'