
Our Prefects:

Senior Prefects


Our Manifesto:

At Western House Academy we aim to fulfill all our duties as prefects and be role models of the school. We take priority in helping the younger children of the school learn our values and ensure there is no harm. 


Furthermore, we take time out of our busy schedules and help set up for our assemblies as part of our commitment to our roles. We take pride in being an asset to our leadership team and when duty calls we try our hardest to help.

Our roles as Prefects include: 

Autumn Term update:

'During the Autumn term the senior prefects had taken a trip to Windsor to represent the school and show their respects to Her Majesty the Queen. We had created a rota to organise our prefects. At the end of the term, we had helped organise the Christmas lunch and helped serve the pupils their lunch.'

Spring Term update:

During this term, we created a new prefect rota so that our prefects could experience different roles to be an asset to our school  to be role models to the younger peers of the school. We have been working hard to ensure all the assemblies are  set up and lead our assemblies based on different topics across the school are done and we mainly go to the different assemblies for our benefit of leadership for our futures. We assisted the mus9c mentors when they led the well-being day and we help the younger children during our lunches. 

Summer Term update: