Head Pupils

Our Head Pupils:

Our Manifesto:

As Head Pupils, we aim for a better learning environment for all students attending Western House Academy. Our goal for the end of the year is to make all students feel welcomed into the WHA community. One of our major projects is to create the WHA Reading Swap Box where you can place books you wish to donate and, if desired, can take another book which someone else has donated. 

We believe that student led assemblies will inspire younger years to take on leadership roles when they are eligible to do so. During our assemblies, we incorporate VotesForSchools topics and discuss them in detail with the majority of the school. These topics can vary from third-world problems to noted international events. We believe that these are very important as they allow us to raise awareness of the current world. 

Together, we believe that we can, in truth, overall make WHA a place for all children, where every opportunity shapes a life.

Our roles as Head Pupils include: 

Autumn Term update:

'As Head Pupils, we have taken great responsibility in the office at the beginning of each day, helping parents with the queries and supporting late students into class.  Monthly, we lead whole school assemblies where we have to plan, prepare and present our slides.  One head pupil represented the school at the ‘Votes for Schools’ conference, on which our question - ‘should schools be given free books?’ Got on the minutes of the meeting.  Currently, we are working on a project called the ‘WHA Reading Swap Box’.'

Spring Term update:

'This term the head pupils have advanced the progress of our project, the WHA Reading Swap Box. It will be put in place very soon and it will be open for pupils and parents to enjoy. We gave also continued with our office duty and we will always enjoy seeing our students’ bright faces and fulfilling our parents’ queries.  Furthermore, we have assisted with our school’s charity work for Ukraine in which the students would bring a shoe box filled with items for refugees who have had to leave behind their belongings. There were a range of groups—teens to babies and girls to boys. We are glad to say we are sure they will be elated when they receive them. Finally, us Head Pupils have aided with the organisation of Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee celebration in which we play the role of pupil voice.'

Summer Term update:

'This term, we as Head Pupils, have accomplished the most we can in our last month at WHA.  Firstly, we have ordered the WHA Reading Swap Box, and it will be placed just in time for the new school year.  Even though we might not be here for the opening. we know that everyone will make the most of it and maximise this great opportunity.  As normal, we continued with office duties and we will never get tired of seeing our students' bright faces every morning. Some of the most unique events this term have been: Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee Celebration, where we took the role of pupil voices on the committee - assisting with the planning and running of the event.                                   Celebration Saturday - a perfect showcase of WHA talent.  We put a lot of work, time and effort into our performance as did the other students participating. And on that note, we would like to thank the staff and say how grateful we are to staff here and how much we will miss them and this school. We hope everyone has an amazing summer!'