Tony Casale Art

To start, at the beginning of the year I wasn’t the best artist. However, as time went by I could see myself making these great improvements very quickly in all forms of art, not just drawing two dimensional things with a pencil. I varied my artistic skills from painting to scultipling to printing, which really made me more comfortable and I had a better idea which type of art I like better compared to other ones. At the beginning of the year, I struggled with being able to put my thoughts on paper and making them come what how I imagined them, however, throughout the year by doing a lot of repetition of the same sort of things, I was able to improve on that part of art which in my opinion the biggest part, your originality. Once again, at the beginning of the year I was truly only comfortable with pens and pencils and I was not comfortable with paint at all. I simply just had a bad history with it, not being able to create something I wanted to and it to come out correctly. But after we did the surrealism painting I was so much more comfortable with paint. The thing I learned the most about painting is just the patience that goes into it. To make that perfect blend of multiple colors making one strong one, takes some time and chances are you won’t get the color you want the first time and you just have to be patient with it and you will end up getting the outcome you want. Another process I learned this year was measure twice, cut once. This technique is just a way to make sure you have correct lines before you cut them and you can’t go back after that. The last technique I learned this year was whenever you sketch something, always sketch it extremely light so that when you do end up erasing it, ti won’t leave indents in the paper that look very ugly. Throughout the year from beginning to end, I had a lot of freedom of what I wanted to actually make and the designs for it which I like a lot. I was very pleased knowing that it wasn’t forced upon you to do something that you didn’t want to do. Instead, you were able to do pretty much whatever you want. By being able to do whatever you wanted to do, you were able to express emotions to your drawing that wouldn’t be there if you weren’t able to choose it. One drawing with emotion is definitely the butterfly one I did for the organ donation. This drawing shows how much different emotions I was able to put into it because there was basically no restrictions to what you can and can not do. Some pieces of art that I created this year that I definitely would go back and cretic would be the color study one. I would go back and revise this one because I do not believe that I mixed each box as well as I should have and I definitely believe that I could definitely do a better job of doing it. Throughout the year I created numerous art projects ranging from all sorts of things, that used different materials. Some art pieces I created using something different than a pencil were the 84-color painting, surrealism painting, skratch board, sgraffito tiles, prints, assemblage sculpture. All of these projects got better one after the other showing that I was improving in all sorts of different types of art. All of these projects had different criterias that I had to meat which wasn’t that big of a deal once you got an idea in your head that your able to translate into your project.