Charcoal & Ink Drawing

The subject of my creation is that I had to choose a picture that I have taken which I decided to use a picture of my cat, named Diesel. I had to not only copy the image into a drawing, but I had to double the size of the image. To do that, I turned the original photo into a ten by six grid made up of one by one inch squares. On the drawing paper I also made a ten by six grid but every square was now two inches by two inches. This artwork was made by black and white charcoal and ink. I used the charcoal for most all of the drawing besides eyes where I used the ink for that. One technique I used was that I smudged the charcoal so it looks more realistic and you would be able to make different shades of gray and white and you would be able to blend the different shades together. This project relates to my life because the image I decided to draw was my cat. One thing I would change about my artwork is that I could've taken more time smudging more things than rather not and just leaving a bunch of pencil lines everywhere. Another place where I could have revised is definitely I could have used more ink. I barely used any of it and I think if I used more of it, It could have made the drawing a lot better.