Linoleum Prints

The subjects of my creations are four different ink prints, ranging from construction paper, adding more detail, to using multiple colors on one print. This artwork was made starting with a square piece of the rubber tile, carving a black and white image, then carving into the rubber tile. After that, I rolled paint onto the surface of multiple pieces of paper — some being construction — and pressed it against the rubber tile creating a print.

One technique I used was definitely making sure you pressed against the whole piece of paper and getting as much as ink as possible to get transferred over and making sure you get the sides and corners as well. My project evolved over time, I actually ended up over a dozen prints until I was satisfied with these outcomes. The reason why my project evolved that much was just because I either didn't add enough paint to print it, or I added enough paint, but I didn't press all over the paper forgetting the sides and corners.

The meaning behind my artwork is that this was an image of my friend from seventh grade that I found on photo booth so I decided to do that. However, due to the fact that we made it black and white, you definitely can't tell it is a person at all. One thing That I would do to make it better was definitely decide not to use construction paper and use a page from a magazine because I would've got a better grade.