Blind Contour

The subject of my creation was that I had to do three blind drawings and then create something out of it. The three blind drawings I did was the two faces and the circular object that is the nose of the drawing. This drawing was made with a variety of colored pencils and a sharpie. I used the sharpie to divide the background into shapes where then I colored them with light and dark blue as long with light and dark green. In the areas where the blind drawings are I used red, yellow, and orange colored pencils. One technique I did was that I used the sharpie to outline each shape in the background to divide each different section and there different color. My project evolved over time by trying to figure out what I was going to turn my drawings into. At first, I didn't know what I wanted to draw but as I brainstormed for a couple of minutes and came up with the idea that is on the paper. One thing that I would change is not using the sharpie as much as I did. I say that because looking back on my drawings I think I overused the sharpie.