Assemblage Sculpture

This artwork is a shark, that was constructed out of multiple things. One thing I used to make this was with news paper. I used news paper by folding a bunch of it up making it dense to create the body of the shark. After that, I used cardboard to make all the fins on the shark as long with the tip of the head. To connect them all together, I used a lot of tape and just taped all of it making it very firm and stiff. After the beginning stages where complete, I then went through numerous magazines and found as many grey images as possible to act like the upper portion of the body. I did the same thing with the white on the bottom of the shark I attached everything by gluing them on. One obstacle I ran into was trying to glue the magazine paper on it, It was hard to bend the paper to match the body but make sure there was no air bubbles in it. Another obstacle was that I has to cover up the very thin part of the cardboard to have attention to detail. As I am looking back on this project, one thing I would have done differently is adding eyes and possibly a mouth. If I added those two things, my project would be so much better.