Independent Project

The subject of my creation is Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny, however I had to add my own touch to it so I don't copy it. The things I added was that I made them both fat, Daffy has two different colored arm sleeves and Bugs Bunny is wearing a headband. This drawing represents the rebooted movie called "Space Jam". The jersey in the middle of them is representing the knew person that is acting which is LeBron James, that is his logo above the numbers. This artwork was made by starting out by making a bunch of small sketches to create rough outlines and a starting point. Once I was happy with the sketches, I then used new piece of paper and recreated it on a much larger scale. Once I used a pencil to outline everything, I then went in with a bunch of sharpies and took my time and colored everything in. Another thing I used to act as the white was white charcoal. By using that, I was really pleased with the results. I chose to do this as my artwork because the movie is coming out soon, and I am really excited and I also love cartoons and what better way to draw something that I really love which is cartoons.

One technique I used while during the sketching process of this was the measure twice, draw once. This is a variation that I adopted from the measure twice, cut once tactic. By doing this, I made sure all my lines where straight without have to erase hard, thick lines that indented the paper to make it look ugly. One major piece that evolved over time was the arm that was holding the water bottle and is squirting water out of it. What was challenging about his process what that it was so awkward to draw and I wasn't happy with any of the sketches I drew on the other piece of paper until the final one, when I was finally complacent about it.

Like I said in the first paragraph, the meaning behind my artwork was that reboot of the movie series is coming out and what better way to incorporate two things I like, drawing and this movie. If I could go back and add something to the project, One thing I would do is adding more detail in the background and the stage floor. I feel like having it just a solid color, it kind of overrides everything else and If I added some detail to it, the drawing would be a lot better in my opinion.