Negative Space Leave Drawing

The subject of my creation is drawing the negative space or the background. The first thing I did was place multiple leaves on a piece of paper and draw the outline of each one, and instead of adding detail into the leaves, you add the details in the background which is the negative space. This artwork was made by first outlining the leaves in pencil, then going back over them multiple times with a sharpie to really make the lines thick. After that, I took the sharpie and a ruler and made the grid in the negative space and colored all four quadrants with blue, purple, red and orange colored pencils. One technique I used was to go over the same lines, again and again, to make sure that I really divided the positive space from the negative space. My project changed/evolved from the beginning to the end because I wanted to scale it as close as possible to the actual leaves on the smaller piece of paper. Another thing that changed was the design in the background. At first, I did not want to use the grid as my background and I tried some other designs with pencil but I ended up liking this one the best. The story of this artwork was that I had some leaves scattered across a piece of paper where then I drew the outline of each space and then filled in the negative space around them and left the positive space white. One thing that could be stronger/better about this drawing is definitely filling in every white space in the coloring. One thing I would like to go and change is that I did mess up on the bottom left corner where I drew something inside the positive space, other than that, I do not want to change any of it.