Coil and Carve

The point of this project is another method of making cups. To start, we rolled out long pieces of clay so they are the diameter of your pinky give or take, and then as one long piece started to stack it on top of each other trying to keep it as straight as possible. If you ran out of clay, you simply repeated the process and on top of another one. Once done stacking the clay, you then smooth out all the gaps and glaze. Just like the pinch pot assignment, I sort of came into this project blindfolded not knowing what design I wanted to incorporate on the sides of the mug. Therefore, I ended up just cutting out random lines all throughout the circumference of the mug. I used the same glaze as the pinch pot, which was PC-59 "Fire Brick."

Looking back on it, I wish I did have a plan for this project because I think it would have made life easier and would give me a sense of direction, and most likely made the project come out better. Another thing I wish I did was spend more time on smoothing the mug, especially on the inside, to make it more appealing.