Linear Perspective


The subject of my creation is that you start out with creating a horizontal line and on that line create a dot that everything will go to. After I created the line and the dot I then started to create shapes — mostly squares — and at the three corners that were facing the dot on the line I would create a line from those corners to the line and then connect the three lines and erase the extra lines. I did that multiple times over and over again. Once we did that we then created a view from inside the house where we did the same steps, creating a vanishing point on the horizontal line which was in the door and created it was basically just making shapes that connected the corners to the vanishing point and erasing the extra lines. The last drawing we created was drawing a hallway in the school. To make these drawings I used a HB pencil and used a ruler to get very straight lines and I also used an eraser. One technique I demonstrated in these drawings was that you have to start out drawing lightly because of the amount of erasing you will end up doing and after you are done erasing you then go back over the lines you want to keep. My project evolved by making sure lines don't overlap in places and also to connect every line to the vanishing point. At first, I did connect most of the lines to the vanishing point but not all of them, and I had to go back through the drawing making sure I connected every line that you could to the vanishing point and erase the extra. My drawings could be stronger by making sure all the lines are dark and also next time in the beginning don't press hard on the pencil so it creates indents on the paper.