Wire Sculpture


Wire Water bottle



I chose a water bottle for the wire sculpture because it was what I felt most comfortable sculpting. I know a bunch of other kids also chose to do water bottles but I still had a lot of fun making it. I also carry a water bottle with me everywhere so it was an easy object for me to access. I am not sure what I am going to do with the sculpture now but I'm sure I will find a use for it somehow.

This work was made completely out of wire. I used needle nose pliers and wire cutters to help shape the wire. This wire was personally hard to work with. I had a lot of trouble bending the wire and cutting the wire, I think I need better grip strength. To make the connections I used fishhook connections which I struggled with at first, then I got the hang of it. For the ornaments I also used wire, but it was much thinner and easier to bend.

To make this project first we did a practice project and made a standing wire tour. I struggled with this so I was worried about how I would do on this project. The start was rough and I had to redo my first layer of the water bottle but then once I started making my loops smaller and my connections tighter it started to go more smoothly. Once I got to the second layer I realized they were too small so I had to make my third layer much larger. After I added the cap and the handle, then I added ornaments to spice the whole thing up. Overall this wasn't my favorite project but I learned a lot.