Alternate Materials

In progress

In progress



For this project, I used string to make hanging plates. This was my original idea and it came out pretty much just how I expected it to. I first started by making two plates using a foam mold. This mold allowed me to make the plate as deep as I wanted it to be.  I tried my best to make the plates very smooth because I knew this would leave them looking clean and finished. I then made three holes in the sides of the plates, evenly spaced apart. These would act as the holes that I strung the string through. I used the glaze C-20 because I have never used it before and I really like the shiny, deep blue color. Once the plates had been glaze-fired, I used the string to make the hanging contraption. This part took me longer than I expected and did not look as clean as I wanted it to. To make the edges look a bit more finished, I used friendship bracelet string to cover up any loose ends of the string. This took a very long time and I soon learned it was hard to work with thin string like the string I was using. I decided to only use friendship bracelet string on one of my plates because it took a very long time and didn't look the way I wanted it to. Overall I am happy with my project and I am looking forward to hanging them in my room!