Donate Life Design

Growing with Organ and Tissue Donation

9 x 12"

Watercolor, colored pencil, and marker on bristol

I chose this slogan because I knew I wanted to draw flowers. I haven't really drawing flowers or anything like that this year so that is something I wanted to do. I had a hard time deciding whether to draw realistic flowers or cartoon flowers, but I decided to do cartoon because it was what I felt more comfortable with. I knew that my drawings were basic, so that's why I put the word "grow" in a different font. I'm really glad I chose this slogan and I like how my drawing turned out.

I knew that there couldn't be any white space on my drawing so first I went in with watercolor on the background. I used a light yellow color just as a base. Then I used regular graphite to sketch my flowers and trace my words. I then used colored pencil to color in my flowers. This process took a long time and I started to get blisters on my fingers from coloring so much. Then I used a black sharpie to outline my words and my flowers.

I didn't do any revising for this project but the part that took me the longest was tracing the letters. First I used my computer to write "grow" in a font that I liked. I printed it out and then I traced it with a light board. I really liked how this came out and I colored it in green to make it look like a vine. Then I used stencils for the words "help" and "someone." Then I used the transfer letters to write "with organ and tissue donation." This is something I wish I did differently. It just looks messy and the colored pencils didn't go over it well.