
Zentangle Value Strip

9 x 12"

Graphite and ink on drawing paper

Negative Space Hand Drawing

9 x 12"

Graphite on drawing paper

Negative Space Leaves

11" x 14"

Pen and colored pencil on printmaking paper

The main ideas that guided these pieces of art were all different. For the Zentangle Value Strip, I liked the idea of just making my pattern get darker in itself. As I added more circles the darker the drawing appeared. In the negative space hand drawing, I was mostly just focused on making my fingers look somewhat normal. I wouldn't say it was too difficult. The Negative Space Leaves was probably my favorite drawing to do. I wanted to become better at blending colored pencils so I gave it a try.

Each piece of work used slightly different materials. For the Zentangle I used graphite on paper and outlined the butterfly with a pen. For the hand drawing, I used graphite on paper and my blending tools. For the summative leaf project, I used graphite, paper, my leaves, colored pencils, a pen, and my blending tools. The blending sticks help a lot when doing any type of artwork.

To make each of these drawings I definitely did a lot of revising/ erasing and re-drawing. The hand drawing took me a while to get right, considering I don't draw my hand very often. The Zentangle was so tedious that I am thankful I didn't have to revise it too much. The leaf project took a lot of mapping out, drawing, erasing, and carefulness. It was hard to make sure the pencil didn't bleed into the white space but I think I did an okay job at keeping the while clean.