Linoleum prints

Extended Print

4x6 "

Ink, colored pencil, and marker on printmaking paper

Multi-colored Print

4x6 "

Ink on printmaking paper

Solid print

4x6 "

Ink on printmaking paper

Unique Surface Print

4x6 "

Ink on colored construction paper

Linoleum Block

All the prints

This idea was my second idea, and as I drew I just loved it more and more. The main idea that surrounded this artwork was not a moon, but rather the idea of the moon being the center of something. Then the sectioned parts represent something leaving in pieces, and the whole parts represent something leaving whole. So for example, in any type of relationship, someone may leave in pieces and someone may leave as a whole. This idea came to me after I made the artwork

To make this work first I carved a piece of linoleum. This was difficult in my opinion because I didn't know how deep I should carve. Carving the block was actually very satisfying but it was hard to carve out the smaller sections. Then I used ink, a roller, and a barron to print my design on paper. This was frustrating because it seemed like there were flaws in every print I made, but slowly I got the hang of it. For a few prints, I used multiple colors of ink.

There was a really long process with this project. First I sketched my idea on paper, then I colored in some parts with a sharpie. Then I transferred my drawing onto my linoleum block. After that, I used a carving tool to carve out the white sections on my block. I ended up having to go back and carve out more of the white space when I was inking because I didn't go deep enough, and that set me back a little bit. After, I used ink to print my design onto paper, this took around 20 tries to get my 4 final prints. If I had more time I probably could've done more.