Colored Candy

Shaded Spheres

9" x 12"

Marker, Colored Pencil, Watercolor on Watercolor paper

Candy Still Life

11" x 14"

Colored Pencil and Watercolor on printmaking paper

The main idea that guided this artwork is the candy itself. I really liked the blue color of the candy and the shape of the tootsie pop. My favorite candy to draw was the chewy blue candy. I liked the way the shadow was and how the highlight worked out on the wrapper. The spheres were new to me and it was intimidating at first but slowly I got the hang of it.

For the spheres I used three different materials and on the fourth one I used a mix of two materials. For the first sphere I used markers, it was very intimidating. For the second I used colored pencil, the third I used watercolor, and the fourth I did a mix of watercolor and colored pencil. For the candy still life I used colored pencil and watercolor. I didn't want to varnish with the colored pencil so it would be easier to shade, so I used watercolor on top so there wasn't any white underneath.

The process I used to create the spheres was simple. I used a circle stencil and then just made up my horizon line and where the highlights were. For the candy still life I chose my candy and took a photo of it. I tried my best to get a clear picture but it always seemed blurry. After that I just drew from my reference picture and then added color.