Beautiful Oops

Birthday Party


6.75" x 7.5 "

Artist Statement

The main idea that guided my artwork was the "Oops dots." At first, I tried to make the oops dots out of coffee but it ended up being too faint, so I used black watercolor and just poured it on the paper. To me, it looked like confetti being shot out of a cannon so that's what I did. Then I had to start thinking about my setting. I didn't know where else a cannon would be than a birthday party.

Since I am at home, I just used regular paper and watercolor. The paper absorbed the watercolor in a weird way, making it faint. Before the watercolor, I used the 2H pencil to sketch out my ideas. The drawing was looking kind of blank so I added a ball pit and a rug. I also used the eraser pen to make the balls in the ball pit.

I had to restart this piece because the watercolor smudged all over the first one. I had to restart the process and make a new oops splatter. The second splatter was completely different from the first so I had to come up with a new idea too. Although the banner is kind of smudged on this drawing I thought it was okay because it wasn't all over the paper. When drawing I had to decide if I wanted to make fireworks coming out of a cannon or confetti, I went with confetti because I thought it would be a little less challenging to draw.