Historical Coil Pot


In process

In process

Final Product

For this pot, we had to research and find a historic pot that interested us. We had to copy the form of the pot, but add some modern elements to the design. I chose this Korean historic pot because the shape and the color intrigued me. I used the coil technique to make this pot, which was actually quite difficult. I found that the coils were very heavy and as I kept adding more, the pot couldn't hold itself up. I ended up having to make the bottom half become my top half and started working on the bottom again. Then I attached the two halves of my pot as best as I could. It was difficult because the two sides were different thicknesses. I tried to make the pot more even, but I realized as I kept messing with it, it would just get worse, so I let it be. After firing, I used a blue glaze pencil to make my design. I went with a simple design to tie into the modern but still used a blue pencil to make it relate to the historic pot. The pencil smudged very easily, especially when using the clear glaze on top. Overall I think this pot turned out okay. It was really difficult for me and I underestimated the difficulty of the form. If I were to restart, I think I would choose a pot that is more in my comfort zone.