Wire Sculpture

Water Bottle and Hearts

3" x 11"


Artist Statement

The main idea of this artwork was to create a wire sculpture that resembles my water bottle. I choose to make my sculpture of my water bottle because I love water and it's an item I carry with me every day, everywhere. I enjoy drinking water because it's not too bland and it keeps you feeling happy and healthy throughout the day. I wanted to add hearts to my sculpture because of how much I enjoy water, it's like a bottle of love.

Creating this art was not to difficult but took a lot of getting used to and a lot of strength. My first step to creating this art was to make it the same size as my real water bottle. I did this by tracing the bottom of my water bottle onto a plain white piece of paper. This allowed me to have a template so all. my circles are the same dimensions. This would allow my water bottle to stand easier rather than all the circles being different sizes. After I was done with my circles I started on my connecting pieces. To create this piece I used one piece as my template for the size and did that with all my connecting pieces. After this I had to connect my pieces together. Once I had my base I went on to detail for this I mostly used small 28 gauge wire. This wire was easier to bend allowing me to add details and make little hearts.

This project was easy for most of it. My difficulty came with making my sculpture stand straight up. To fix this I went in with my plyers and crimped all my conjoining pieces as hard as I could. This ensured my sculpture was actually standing rather than falling every few minutes. I would like to try to create a different sculpture out of wire and maybe with a different technique.