Foundations Of Art

Final Goodbye to Foundations Of Art

Art class has always been a comfortable and enjoyable class for me. Art is a way to express who you are without words and just simple marks on a piece of paper. I am a very visual learner, I enjoy being able to see and experience what I need to do rather than be told. Through art, I am able to visualize every aspect of my projects. I am shown what to do and then let loose to go figure it out for myself. Through my art, you can see that when I am taught something and then given a chance to go try it for myself my artwork is much better than when I am taught through an assignment bio on google classroom. You really get a good idea of what I mean when you look at my art through the year. There is a period when my art really takes a downfall, this period was when I was in quarantine. I was at home trying to figure out my projects through little blurbs under assignments. Once I get into a classroom you can really see my art advance.

My artwork shows how I have improved as an individual person. At the beginning of the year, I needle to be told what to create and how. Now with my last project, I have no trouble figuring out what to make as I have all freedom. At the beginning of the year, my art was very bland. Basic skills, ideas, and little knowledge of what I am actually creating. As I get through the year you start to see my art advance as I learn about depth, value, dimensions, and more. This work not only shows me advancing as an artist but as a student as well. I'm gathering information and growing from a middle schooler to a high schooler. Learning how to ask for help on your own and figure out your own next steps rather than having someone baby over you.

Throughout my freshman year, I was introduced to many new art ways. I have enjoyed every one of my projects this year no matter how time-consuming and tedious they were. I would say my realist self-portrait was the hardest project this year. It wasn’t hard because of the skill but of how long and detailed it had to be. Found the spots in my art where I had to put little to no graphite right next to a spot completely full of graphite. A major spot when this project got difficult was when I realized how easy graphite moves. You have to watch where you put your hands to make sure you don't drag graphite to a sport where graphite should not be. Yes, this project was very time-consuming and tedious but looking at the end result it was all worth it in the end. To continue with my realist self-portrait being my hardest project it's also the project I am most proud of. This project took so long to finish and once I finished it and it looked just like the photo it was an amazing feeling. This was the project I was most proud to show my family. Once I showed my family the complements were through the roof. This just made this art project 10x better.

Like I said in the beginning I really enjoy art. I hope to continue creating art throughout high school. I wanted to better knowledge my understanding of clay and sculpture. This summer I would really love to bring some art supplies up to my camp and spend some time sitting outside and painting from nature as it sits. I would love to take at least 2 more art classes and maybe even 3. After high school and into my adulthood I would like to be able to look at art as a getaway from everyday life. My freshman year was made better by coming to art class every other day for the whole school year. I learned so many skills that I can now use and teach.