Independently Created

Rainy Thoughts

6" x 7"

Colored Pencil on Drawing paper

Artist Statement

For my last project of Foundations of Art I decided to make artwork somewhat based off of our space unit. Negative space is blank space that has nothing in it, Positive space is the space filled with color. I did use black for my negative space as it is usually white, I did this because black felt more fitting for this art project as white felt very hidden in my art. I choose to do this for my final because I really enjoyed the way my Negative space leaves project looked at the end, this inspired me to use the same skill to create my final just instead of white using black.

To create this art I used basic materials. I mostly used colored pencil for the majority of the project, but I did use black paint pen for my silhouette. At the begging of the project I started by figuring out what my silhouette was gonna be of. I have seen a lot of dripping crayon art on my social media platforms but that didn't work out as nicely as I would of thought so I went with a simpler material and used that. I drew multiple silhouettes before I choose the one I wanted to stick with. Next I had to find my colors. To do this I took out a Blick colored pencil pack and choose 6 colors that would look good in a gradient. Once I picked my 6 colors I moved on to drawing. I wanted my colors to flow nicely across the paper so when drawing I choose colors that would look good next to one another. Lastly I signed my artwork and turned in the last project for Foundations of art in my freshman year.

This art took many different turns. My main idea was to create this same type of image but with the melting crayon technique. This idea was lately dropped once I started. I lined up my crayons and picked the colors. Took the labels of the crayons off and then started melting. As I started to melt the crayons my the oil from them was creating a sloppy and very messy looking art piece. Another problem was that some of the crayons melted quicker so as I would go to melt a different color one color would melt and they would mix leaving a gross color. To solve this problem I moved onto using colored pencils sense I have used them many times.