Foundations of Art

Throughout the year, my work is able to illustrate my strengths and weaknesses almost crystal clear. I tend to be more on the abstract side compared to realism. I have learned over the past few years that realistic drawings with color are difficult for me if I am going off of a photo. However, I have actually been okay at drawing without a reference and just letting the pencil flow. I have learned that I am good at learning things that I have been introduced to before such as print making because it was familiar enough, but I was still able to learn.

I think my work has improved by not only the quality, but the creativity as well. Starting the class, I was able to learn how to go with the flow and create from things that may have been a mistake. I was also able to try out new art supplies like wire and alcohol markers, both of which are some of my favorites.

Looking back, I think the most challenging project was the time capsule drawings. Considering I was a perfectionist at the time, I got really stressed out when drawing the different things. Also, like I said before, I am not the strongest at realism.

The project I am most proud of were my pure contour drawings. Starting off the actual drawing was difficult because it was completely new to me. It took me a couple of tries to get the basic shapes of my hand to look right, but once it was finished I personally thought it looked really cool. I enjoyed how the hand was both detailed but simplistic at the same time.

A goal that I have for the summer is to try and draw more things in my surroundings. While I strongly dislike it, it will be good to practice drawing or creating more than just one thing. I also would like to try digital drawing. I have seen many different images of online painting and they all look really cool. Lastly, I want to be able to start and finish a large scale paper cutting picture. I love to make black and white paper images, and I think a poster size one would look amazing.