Kau Point Battery

This fort was built in the 1891 in the second phase of fortification building in the late 19th century. It was armed with one 8-inch disappearing gun. Associated magazine and control rooms were built underground to service the gun. An observation post was built further up the hill. A telephone room was built at the back of the post. Proposals for secondary armament don't appear to have gone ahead.

The fort was manned during World War One. In 1922 the gun was deactivated and removed from its carriage and put on the ground next to the gun pit. The magazine was then used to hold ammunition reserves for Wellington.

During World War Two the old gun position became a magazine for the 3.7-inch heavy anti-aircraft guns positioned in the rear of Point Halswell. At this time the gun pit was roofed over.

The gun emplacement and tunnel entrance was filled in in 1970, but the tunnel entrance has since been uncovered. After being publicly accessible for a long time, the tunnels had locked gates installed around 2022.

The area will form part of a new reserve that will encompass most of the northern end of Miramar Peninsula. As of 2022 the area is under the management of Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) who are preparing it for transfer to the Department of Conservation. This work includes the removal or mitigation of various hazards and while this work is carried out public access is "not formally authorised" according to the LINZ website.